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How to Clean a Dab Banger

How to Clean a Dab Banger

All of us who use a banger for dabbing enjoy its many advantages, and with all of the different bangers available on today’s market, a lot of us go through a good deal of effort to carefully select one that checks all of our boxes in terms of personal preference. Still, choosing a banger is only half the battle if you want to enjoy satisfying dabs for ages to come. Bangers also need to be maintained properly, or they simply will not be able to satisfy our needs for very long. The cleaning process is fortunately straightforward, but it’s important to know how to do it correctly. Why? Because some means of cleaning can do a lot more harm than good, as you will soon find out.

Why Does a Banger Need to Be Cleaned?

Even the most high-end banger needs to be maintained properly to continue satisfying your dabbing-related needs. The process of vaporizing our favorite concentrates inevitably leads to residue buildup that can become worse as time goes on, and it’s not out of the realm of possibilities to witness a poorly maintained banger turn almost completely black as a result of excessive buildup that happens gradually over time.

That being said, a dirty banger is not just aesthetically troublesome. That buildup of residue can seriously interfere with flavor, and if it gets bad enough, it can even disrupt your ability to dab entirely by interfering with the transfer of heat.

Which Type of Banger is the Easiest to Clean?

Generally speaking, all bangers are pretty easy to clean – they have to be, otherwise they would not last for long. But, easily, the best option is quartz, as it has a nonporous surface that prevents gunk from getting into nooks and crannies, which can happen when using a ceramic banger. Quartz is also less fragile than both glass and ceramic, which means that you do not have to be as worried when handling it, especially when it gets slippery due to being wet during the cleaning process.

How Often Should You Clean Your Banger?

In a perfect world, a dab banger is cleaned after every use. We know that sounds excessive, but the reality is that each time you dab with a banger, a film of residue inevitably develops. This is why a banger can turn yellow after just a couple of uses, and eventually black if it’s never cleaned. The longer you wait to clean it, the more tedious the cleaning process is.

So, if you can, follow the cleaning process below after each time you use it. If this is simply too much for you to commit to, then try cleaning it at least once a week.

How to Clean Your Banger: A Guide

Your banger can only satisfy your needs so much if it’s dirty. A dirty banger will only disappoint you more as time goes on. So, this series of steps applies to all types of dab bangers and does not vary depending on the material.

Step #1: Soak Your Banger

You’ll need a cleaning solution that is nontoxic and effective. You can make your own using isopropyl alcohol, salt, and water, or you can use a cleaning solution that we sell right here. Either way, you need a combination of compounds that are capable of lifting residue off of the material so that you don’t need to do any aggressive scrubbing, which over time can be harmful to the surface of the material and cause small tears into which debris can get stuck and therefore harder to remove in the future.

We strongly recommend that you allow your banger to soak in this solution overnight, because it will save you a lot of effort the next day. The longer it soaks, the more the residue simply lifts away from the material so that you don’t need to use as much elbow grease to remove it.

Step #2: Give It a Good Rinse Under Warm Water

You want to thoroughly remove any traces of the cleaning solution as this could negatively alter the flavor of your concentrates when the time comes to use the banger once again.

Step #3: Scrape Away Residue

Use your dab tool (not a kitchen knife) to scrape away the residue that has remained on the banger. There will likely be a bit of residue left, and it should be scraped away with relative ease.

Step #4: Heat the Banger to About 800 Degrees

At that high temperature, the rest of the residue should convert into ash at this point, and you can simply rinse this out. This must be done, as just beating out the ash does not remove all of it, and if left there to long, can permanently stain the inside.

Step #5: Give the Bowl a Wipe

Now, use a cottons swab to thoroughly wipe down the entirety of the banger. Wipe it until it’s dry so that it can be used once again.

Step #6: Repeat if Necessary

If your banger is particularly dirty, or if you’ve never cleaned it before, you may need to repeat this entire process over again until it’s clean. We know this can be annoying but remember, once you get it to a clean state, as long as you keep up with regular cleaning sessions, the process will be faster moving forward.

Some Quick Tips

  • 1.Never, ever use any cleaning substances other than those suggested above. Typical household cleaners can be extremely dangerous to inhale especially when heated, such as bleach and window cleaner. This can cause serious bodily harm, especially if you are not careful.
  • 2.We DO NOT ever recommend cleaning your banger with an abrasive material like a steel pad. This can damage the material, causing scratches into which future residue will hide.

3rd Jan 2024 VapeBrat

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