Recycler Banger

Recycler Banger

Diamond Knot Recycler Banger Quartz Dab Nail

Diamond Knot Recycler Bangers utilize a long neck bubble carb cap and diamond knot to completely vaporize a dab. It's a recycling banger because it literally takes the excess dab that is not initially vaporized and brings it back around to touch the diamond knot again and again. With the cuts of the diamond knot, the increased surface area allows for a better vaporization rate. Recycling is always better especially when it's for efficiently dabbing :)

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Diamond Knot Recycler Banger FAQ

A Diamond Knot Recycler Banger is a style of quartz dab nail that gets its name from the recycler tube at the bottom of the banger which feeds back into the side of the banger. A Recycler Banger  consists of a tall bucket with a recycler arm, a quartz insert with many slits and a long bubble neck carb cap.

Diamond Knot Recycler Bangers combine the powers of a recycler arm with a diamond knot insert, making for an amazingly efficient dab. As you drop the dab onto the diamond knot the many slits allow for ultimate vaporization. Remember surface area x dabbing temp = Vaporization rate. With a higher vaporization rate, it can withstand a higher saturation rate, making this banger great for large dabs. 

Then there's the recycling arm. This sends any non-vaporized dabs back through the arm and onto the diamond knot, as you inhale. Helping get the most out of each dab, especially larger dabs. It's a great addition for any dab rig. 

"Recycler" is referring to the recycler arm at the bottom of the banger which helps recycle any unused dabs back onto the diamond knot for continued vaporization. "Bangers" is a class of dab nails typically made from quartz glass.

Yes, Recycler Bangers utilize extra long bubble carb caps to force the airflow through the recycler arm. The helps with the bangers functionality, allowing the dabs to be recycled back onto the diamond knot insert.