
VapeBrat LCD Enails: Quartz Banger E Nail - 35mm

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VapeBrat LCD Enails: Quartz Banger E Nail - 35mm  

35mm Axial Enail Coil, LCD E Nail Controller Box, Quartz Enail Banger, and Directional UFO Carb Cap

The VapeBrat LCD Quartz Banger Enail is complete with a 14mm Male 90 Degree Quartz Enail Banger and a 35mm Axial Enail Coil to bring you some of the most flavorful and milkiest clouds known to man! 

 The VapeBrat LCD Enail Controller Box is able to achieve super high temps in a matter of seconds. The VapeBrat LCD features a customized PID for more accurate temperature readings with a less temperature fluctuation than the VapeBrat Micro. Temperature can be set anywhere from 0-1000 Degrees based on preference, even though you can run this thing to almost 1000 degrees, its probably best if you stick around 500-650 degrees for a grade A dabbing experience. The digital display shows set temp and the actual temperature of the coil or heated surface, giving the user that added accuracy needed to achieve that perfect dab every time. Just set this enail to your desired temp and dab on my fellow VapeBrat... dab on!

The Bucket Enail Banger included with this set utilizes an 8mm o-clamp, meaning there is a short rod extended from the bottom of the banger an oclamp around it to fasten your enail coil in place. An o-clamp is the safest way to use an enail coil, these tiny clamps help to keep your coil secure and fitting snug so that it never gets loose or falls off potentially burning you or any materials below it. The Enail Banger features a flat top to create a flush seal when a carb cap is placed on top, this seal actually helps create more pressure allowing for lower temperature dabs and smoother rips.

Note: This E-Nail Banger is best used with a 35mm axial coil. 

This set also includes a VapeBrat Directional UFO Carb Cap can direct your airflow with a simple to operate handle, spin and twist the cap to get the nozzle to push air through the melted concentrates for a more evenly vaporized dab. This VapeBrat Directional UFO Carb Cap is made out of 100% borosilicate glass, and features a traditional ufo carb cap design with a single nozzle at the bottom. UFO Carb Caps create a perfect seal when placed onto a flat top. The extended handle contains an airflow hole which can be capped by your finger or left open for more air to flow through, resulting in more intense rips!

Lastly the VapeBrat Quartz Banger Enail Kit comes with a 35mm Axial Enail Coil for optimal heat transfer to the entire bottom surface area as well as the side walls of the enail banger. This coil design covers a majority of the banger to minimize pooling and waste. The Axial Coil is made out of Nickel Chromium Stainless Steel and a kevlar sheath. Nickel and Chromium also known as NiChrome has the ability to heat up to higher temperatures however it has more resistance. Since this metal has more resistance towards electrical current, it heats up more slowly than other metals. NiChrome is known to withstand high temperatures without oxidizing, being damaged, or warping. It is also noncorrosive!

The VapeBrat LCD Enail, Micro Enail Dos, Micro Tres and Terp Slurper E-Nail Kits are the most advanced and reliable digital enails to hit the market!


LCD PID Controller Box:

  • Temperature Range: 0°F to 1000°F
  • Size: 4.7" x 3" x 1.6"
  • Display: LCD Digital - Set Value and Coil Temp - Touch Screen
  • Input: 110V - 250V
  • Coil Connection: 5PIN Female XLR
  • Pin Set Up: PIN 1: TC-, PIN 2: TC+, PIN 3: Ground, PIN 4: AC, PIN 5: AC

NOTE: VapeBrat Enail Coils are only made to be used with VapeBrat Enail Controller Boxes and may not be compatible with other brands. DO NOT attempt to pair VapeBrat Enail Coils with other brand controller boxes.

Quartz Bucket Enail Banger:​

  • Joint Size: 14mm 
  • Joint Angle: 90 Degree
  • Joint Gender: Male
  • Banger Bucket Inner Diameter: 31mm
  • Banger Bottom Diameter: 35mm
  • Neck Connection: Regular Weld
  • Top Style: Flat

Note: You can change the Gender and Angle to fit your dab rig by choosing a different selection from the options menu on the right of the product page.

Directional UFO Carb Cap:

  • Height: 32mm
  • Diameter: 36mm
  • Insertable Diameter: 17mm

35mm Axial Enail Coil:​

  • Size: 35mm - Compatible with 35mm Diameter Bangers
  • Coil Style: Axial - 5 Wraps
  • Coil Material: Nickel Chromium Stainless Steal
  • Sheath: Kevlar
  • Thermocouple: K Type


  • Controller Box Low Energy Usage
  • Can be Used with 250V 6 Amp Fuse - Fuse Protection
  • Steady Temperature Control With No Overshoot
  • Controller Box Contains a PID Microprocessor
  • Quick Heat Up
  • ON/OFF Touch Button for Box 
  • 35mm Banger with Axial Coil for Maximum Heat Distribution 
  • Directional UFO Carb Cap for More Evenly Vaporized Dabs


  • 1 x VapeBrat LCD Enail Controller Box with LCD Display
  • 1 x VapeBrat Regular Weld Quartz Banger: 14mm Male 90 Degree
  • 1 x VapeBrat Directional UFO Carb Cap 
  • 1 x O-Clamp
  • 1 x 5ft 35mm Axial Enail Heater Coil
  • 1 x 6ft Long Power Cord
  • 2 x Silicone Jars
  • Travel Case Sold Separately
  • Instruction & Troubleshooting Manual - Page 1   Page 2 

Quick Tip:

Having the right banger can make a world of difference to your dabbing experience. Bangers are one of those items that warrant a bit of a splurge to make sure your experience is as elevated as can be. But the main component to consider is how well you take care of your banger to ensure it stays clean and fresh for each hit. ​​

#4. Banger Thickness

There are 2 different measurements for thickness, there is the wall thickness and then there is the bottom thickness. The thicker the bottom and walls, the greater the heat retention and overall durability of the banger. Thickness does come at a cost. Using an extremely thick bottom banger will take longer to heat, however it will retain the heat longer. This would be important for those looking to maintain banger temperature while placing large amounts of concentrates into the bucket banger.

#5. Banger Accessories

While picking your banger, it is also important to note and pay attention to the kind of accessories you pair with it, such as a carb cap, terp pearls or pills, and marbles.

Bucket Inserts: Varying in shape and size, bucket inserts offer a great cold start option or can be used for super heat retention.

Terp Pearls: Also known as Banger Beads or Terp Balls, these are small quartz balls, placed inside the banger (1 or 2) which when paired with the appropriate directional airflow carb cap (namely a vortex carb cap) spin around the banger during inhalation. The spinning of the terp pearls helps evenly distribute the concentrate across the surface area of the banger, preventing hot spots, and creating an evenly heated area for a consistent experience. This allows for a higher vaporization rate even at lower temps as the saturation rate is evenly distributed.

Carb Caps: There are just as many different types of carb caps as there are bangers, but there are two things to concern yourself with, the carb cap size, and style / functionality. The most popular carb caps have an airflow design that allows for your concentrates to evenly distribute in the banger, preventing pooling, and allowing the concentrated to evenly vaporize. When choosing inserts, such as terp pearls, getting a vortex carb cap or directional carb cab is crucial in making the pearls function properly. 

Reclaim Catchers: Possibly the most important accessory, a reclaim catcher is used to catch the concentrates that get sucked down the banger neck. Reclaim catchers keep your pipe clean by preventing that reclaim from falling directly into your pipe, and more importantly are able to gather the excess concentrates for use later on! Even when using a reclaim catcher, a rig or pipe will build up reclaim from natural condensation.

To Read The Ultimate Bucket Banger Buying Guide Click Here!

Enail FAQ

Why Should I Buy an Enail?

An Enail offers the most powerful, precise , effective and efficient dabbing experience possible! Click Here to Read More

What is the Best E-Nail?

There are many different types of enails, between analog, digital, portable, or choosing between the options like hybrid, quartz, titanium, ceramic, different sizes and different brands like High Five, Galaxy, or VapeBrat, the options may seem a little overwhelming. It is best to choose an Enail set up that is most suitable to your wants, needs, and preferences! Click Here to Read More

Which Dab Rig is Best for my E-nail?

Recycler rigs are typically the best for enails and concentrates in general, offering maxing filtration with minimum cooling. With an e-nail, sturdiness and balance is key, this is why we have specifically chosen a few options to offer you that will be perfect for the e-nail being viewed. Click Here to Read More

What difference does the coil size make?

The coil size determines the banger size which is based upon the typical dab size. Is using a Reclaim Catcher a good idea? Reclaim Catchers pay for themselves within the first few usages by keeping the pipe clean while saving some reclaim for later. Click Here to Read More

What temperature should I set my enail to?

The recommended temperature ranges between 450-650 depending upon your preferences. Click here to Read More

How to Dab with and Use an E-Nail?

**** Do not turn the controller box on before the heater coil is plugged into the controller box, if you turn the controller box on before the coil is connected your display screen will read an error code.****
  • Plug in all of the parts, connect the nail/banger and rig
  • The controller box can now be turned on, most enail controller boxes will have a switch or a button to turn it on and off. (If you see an error code on the display screen after the controller box is turned on and the COIL IS CONNECTED PROPERLY, this may indicate that there is a problem with the coil’s thermocouple. This does NOT mean the unit is faulty.)
  • Set the controller box to your desired temperature.(We recommend running your enail controller between 450 and 650 degrees Fahrenheit, running an enail controller higher or lower will result in a less than satisfactory experience while running the risk of damaging the banger.)
  • Once the banger/nail is to your desired temperature (usually takes about 30 seconds to heat), pick up the desired amount of concentrates with the tip of a dab tool.
  • Place the concentrates on the bottom of the heated surface with the dab tool. (Utilizing the appropriate amount of concentrates based on the size and temperature of the banger or nail, will maximize the cloud size)
  • Inhale through the dab rig mouthpiece.
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