Signature Delivery

Signature delivery is utilized for packages over $150. 

We strongly advise using the Route Protection Plan to promptly address any delivery concerns. Additionally, opting for Signature Delivery adds an extra layer of security, ensuring your package reaches you, not a potential thief.

What Occurs If Signature Delivery Is Not Chosen?

If you opt out of signature delivery but have the Route Shipping Protection on your purchase, you're covered if your package goes missing or is stolen. However, if both Route Protection and Signature Delivery are deselected and your package is recorded as delivered, we're unable to offer assistance.

What If I'm Not Present for Signature Delivery?

Should you miss a signature delivery, a notice will be placed on your door indicating a delivery was  attempted. Your tracking number link will also have this information. After an attempt, you can ask the post office to retain your package, allowing you to collect it at your convenience.