VapeBrat Terp Spinner: 17mm Banger Insert - Blue
The VapeBrat Terp Spinner Banger Insert also called a wheel insert is best paired with the vortex carb cap, as you inhale, the wheel then starts to spin rapidly to stir up your concentrates, similar to the effect of terp pearls, which pushes your concentrates evenly around the heated surface area.
A Vortex bottom on the carb cap contains airpaths encircling the insertable tip, creating a vortex effect inside of your banger. When used with spinner inserts the increased airflow from a vortex carb cap spins your insert for a more even dab experience.
- 17mm Diameter
- 9mm Thick
- Wheel Insert for More Evenly Vaporized Dabs
Compatible with:
- Marble Sets only if Paired with Vortex Banger
- Carb Caps:
- Vortex
- 1 x Terp Spinner Banger Insert